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Patient holding a crutch has bandage on his leg and head. He can avail Telehealth modules around him anytime across the U.S.
A mobile connects with the heart rate reading




Remote Patient Monitoring​ (RPM)

Person looking at a clock to book an appointment via hiCare Suite, one of the top 10 appointment scheduling apps in the U.S.




Annual Wellness Visits (AWV)

Physician with a stethoscope educates via online hiCare Suite, one of the top 10 patient education solutions in California




Remote Therapy Management (RTM)

A heart taken care by both hands




Transitional Care Management (TCM)

Patient above the caring hand shows the delivery of assured care




Chronic Care Management​ (CCM)

A portion of brain connects to 3 lines ending with the small circles respectively



Behavioral Health Integrations (BHI)

A patient and a physician engages with eachother via hiCare Suite, one of the top 10 patient engagement solutions in the U.S.





Collaborative Care Management (CoCM)

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