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Outpatient Practices

We offer the platform, monitoring, and services for you to provide an exceptional remote care experience.

Checking Blood Pressure

Better Clinical Outcomes

Studies reported that RPM implementation can help keep patients out of the hospital. Make proactive use of our platform to keep an eye on the following conditions: obesity, hypertension, diabetes and pre-diabetes, heart failure, and substance and behavioral abuse


Improve Patient Engagement

The built-in tools for text messaging, click-to-call, and other forms of engagement make the Chronica platform more than just a monitoring platform. Additionally, the care team can spend more time with patients because our platform automates 95% of the administrative and note-taking tasks.

A New Revenue Mode

CMS has implemented RPM reimbursement in 2019 and increased coverage in 2020, encouraging providers to take part. The majority of private payers have also followed.





Improve your patient care.

You'll learn from our experts how to set up a profitable remote patient monitoring program that improves patient outcomes, boosts profitability, and raises patient satisfaction.

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