Streamline Compliance for CCM & RPM
The most important part of a successful care program is adherence. If a patient is interested and able to adhere to a care program, the health outcomes are bound to get better.
Regular readings require effort from the beginning. This makes an easy onboarding process critical to patients' health and consequently, to your reimbursement.
At Chronica, we handle everything behind the scenes. We find eligible patients, contact them about setting up their RPM, and make sure they get the devices on time. We get them excited to be in the program. Their buy-in to the program brings success.
Patient Onboarding
From getting patients onboarded to managing their health, we do all the work for you!
How We Take off Onboarding for You
Starting an RPM program doesn't need any additional staff or administrative burden on your end. We’ll handle the onboarding process end-to-end being an extension of the care you deliver to your patients.
Onboarding begins with data collection.
We can help you make data a tool and not a burden. Our team continuously monitors incoming data and helps encourage participation so that you will end up seeing what matters most.